
ZTL - Milan traffic reports

What is ZTL?
ZTL Abbreviation for ‘Zona Traffico Limitato’, or restricted traffic zone. This is an area in the center of Italian cities and towns where traffic is restricted. For example: the area closed to the traffic of vehicles that do not belong to the residents of the street/area.

In these areas there are increased enforcement measures such as cameras (excellent of the sign) and the fine imposed on the violators ranges from €40 to €150. (In case the vehicle is rented, the fine is in addition to 35€ – handling fees). In most cases, the fine will arrive in Israel after a long period of time, sometimes even a year after the actual receipt of the fine.

Therefore, we recommend avoiding receiving the report ahead of time by:
1. Before arriving in the city, check the areas and avoid driving in them.
2. Use the parking lots outside the area (for the map of the parking lots click here).
3. Use public transportation in the area (there is more public transportation in such areas).