
The city of Bergamo

If you landed at Bergamo airport, you can combine this trip already on your way to Milan or on the day of your return flight. Bergamo is a small and friendly city that can be easily reached from Milan by public transport or by car. In Bergamo, the old city (città alta) surrounded by the wall is of particular interest, which can be reached by direct bus from the train station in the lower city, and then you get to look out of the windows on the way over the whole city and its surroundings. The same effect can be obtained even if you simply go up to it on foot along a wonderful path. Alternatively, you can quickly go up in the cable car that arrives right at the entrance to the old city.

In the alleys of the city there are a variety of interesting shops, here you can find relatively many quality handicrafts, of all kinds (special fashion sewn or knitted by hand, wooden tools, housewares and a variety of special decorations). Of course, here too, in Italy as in Italy, delicatessens, cafes and bakeries are mostly small. Shortly after entering the old city you reach the old square (piazza vechia).It is pleasant to sit in one of the cafes, or simply on the steps of the columned building of the Municipal Library of Bergamo. Here we can meet an old and beautiful cathedral, a fountain in the square and a lot of atmosphere. A little further up the street and to the right, you exit the old city to the road that surrounds it, through which you can also go back down (by cable car or bus) to the lower city and the train station. On Sundays the city is especially lively and filled with tourists. A variety of stalls with the products of local artisans and more are scattered in the alleys of the city.